5-WEEK || The Rom Com

A media literacy class for the hopeless romantic

with Mia (they/them)


All classes will be recorded for students (only the students who signed up before the class start date) to view after.

I became an Intimacy Coordinator because a friend asked if I wanted to write a romantic comedy about someone whose job was to choreograph sex scenes. I said yes and also, “Is that a real job?” Then we started to hear about this new job called an Intimacy Coordinator so we had to rewrite the script. I got hired as a casting assistant on a show that hired an IC, reached out to her to ask to interview her for my movie, and then she trained me to be the main character of my own movie. Wild, right? That’s some of my magic: I have to be real careful what I write.

It feels only right and fated that I would offer this class—a window into consent from where my own journey with it began.

What’s a romcom?

ro·man·tic com·e·dy


  1. a movie or play that deals with love in a light, humorous way.

    "the wit and charm of a classic romantic comedy"

    • romantic comedies as a genre of film or theater.

      "romantic comedy is about the kind of love that turns everything upside down"

Let’s turn this shit upside down.

The advert couples, the movie coupies, the perfume couples, the TV portrayals of successful relationships are noxious. They find their way into the most surprising situations. Ever noticed yourself desperate to be rescued? Desperate to be the hero in the situation? Wanting to be loved at the expense of all else? Playing the femme fatale? The happy family? The handsome rebel? The jealous drunk? Nursing a screaming desire to be publicly acknowledged as ‘the one’? Or to run off into the sunset with a new love and leave these suckers behind? Who are these people? Why have they stepped down out of those shitty adverts and turned up here at our kitchen tables affecting the way we say good morning?
— Kae Tempest, On Connection

Is this class for you?

This is an all-levels course, so whether you’ve taken a class before or this is your first toe-dipping into this kind of content, this class will be a good fit.

This is a great class for people who identify as people-pleasers, folks who tend to give beyond their capacity, feel burnt out, or find themselves repeating the same patterns in dating and sex.

We will use romantic comedies to look at how we internalize messages from the media passively and actively, and sharpen our critical consumer skills.

Do you have a soft spot for 90’s and early 2000’s pop culture? Do you think you probably have some fucked up consent, boundary, sex, gender, and relationship stuff that you absorbed from mainstream media in your teens that you’re still parsing through? Do you still have a shrine to Heath Ledger in your room?

Yeah, this class is for you.

What will we be doing?

VIRTUAL: Wednesdays, February 28 - March 27, 5:30-7pm PST / 8:30-10pm EST.

Every week you’re gonna watch a rom com and sometimes an additional recorded class of mine. Then we’ll do a brief lesson on vocab, some practice exercises, or go over a framework. We’ll discuss the movie, mine it for what it tells us about love, sex, consent, and all the oppressive systems that puppeteer our lives, and apply the concepts learned.

This is a hybrid live & recorded class. You’ll receive my Practice Saying No class and my Nonverbals class (a $150 value).

  • Class 1: What is Consent? + The Consent Iceberg

  • Class 2: The Wedding Planner

  • Class 3: Sweet Home Alabama

  • Class 4: Hitch

  • Class 5: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Read what people are saying about these classes.

The structure of romcoms really allows/enables/is geared towards SURRENDER. Which ironically enough is what can happen in a good kink or consensually negotiated scenario. In my romcom journey, I’ve also had to acknowledge the danger of what happens when we are unconsciously conditioned into accepting certain norms and patterns of behavior. But now that I’ve done the dirty work - of looking at gender conditioning and deconstructing the unhealthy ways love is defined within conventional romantic comedies - I’m now happily back on the other side of loving them unconditionally. GIVE ME PLEASURE. FIND ME IN THE FANTASY. LET MY ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT GO WILD BRUH!
— Meenadchi
Through these classes I have grown a much more rounded picture of consent, self consent, and the systems and dynamics in place that impede our consent practices. I have been able to cultivate a self consent practice that has helped me listen to myself and my boundaries, and in turn helped me to better hear others and their boundaries. I’ve deeply appreciated the class discussions and learning what different peoples’ consent and care practices look like. Thank you so much for compiling these resources and for facilitating these discussions. It’s been truly life changing.
— Sierra

Payment + Pricing

This course is $500. Payment plans are available to pay half twice 3 weeks apart.

I love romcoms cuz they give me the freedom to not think. JUST LOVE ME. PROVE I’M LOVEABLE. LET ME GIVE IN TO THE LOVE OF BEING LOVED.
— Also Meenadchi. She LOVES romcoms.

Sliding scale options starting at $300 are available to those who:

  • are S€x Workers

  • have been incarcerated

  • have excessive medical costs

  • have debilitating student loans

  • have ancestors who experienced slavery

  • have ancestors who experienced, or have themselves experienced, land theft

  • live somewhere where the exchange rate makes this course cost-prohibitive

  • need to use it.

Wondering if this scale is for you? It is. Still not sure? It is. Still not sure?? Email me.

Prices are set at a rate such that even at the lowest rate, I feel good providing the work, as in, not depleted or taken advantage of. If you feel uneasy using the lower tier but it makes it possible for you to join a program, use it! The ways you can pay it forward include inviting your friends to join with you, forwarding the program and other CW programs to friends, family, and colleagues, and spreading the word any way you can. You can sign up for the newsletter and forward it, subscribe, rate, and review the podcast, subscribe on Instagram, and any other way you can think of to help get the word out.

Inquire for group rates.

You can read about why my prices are what they are on my Business + Financial Transparency page.

If this is cost-prohibitive, you are always welcome to make me an offer, especially if you are in a country where the exchange rate makes this class financially inaccessible.